Friday 18 October 2024

More Brents

A light, but freshening SE wind. Dry and often sunny for most of the day with just a light late afternoon shower.

South shore (Malcolm)
Saltmarsh to No.2 outfall on the rising tide this morning.
Whooper Swans 8 - flew low and silently over the mud towards Potts Corner.

Whooper Swans

Pale-bellied Brent geese 4 flew south
Pale-bellied Brent geese

Shelduck 42 - 38 feeding and 4 south
Wigeon 103 gathered alongside No.2 outfall. It was difficult keeping track when they started flying to Red Nab, but it seemed that additional birds flew in from the south.
Male Wigeon, some now have their yellow foreheads

Mediterranean gull 1 adult
Mediterranean gull (lower left)

This Carrion Crow spent over a minute before breaking open this small Periwinkle. It seems to be a lot of effort for little reward (better sticking with chewing gum - see yesterday's post)

In the Nature Park:
Red Admiral 1
Common Darter 1

Heliport area - Kevin Singleton 
Skylark 4 over
Rock Pipit 1
Pied Wagtail

There is a decent sized population of House Sparrows
centred in the brambles in Half-Moon bay fields

Middleton Nature Reserve
Janet checked mid afternoon while the sun was still shining 
Migrant Hawker 2
Small White 1

Pink-Footed goose 27
Cetti's warbler 3 singing around the central marshes.

I checked a little later (Malcolm), just before the shower.
Wildfowl, pretty much unchanged apart from only 2 male Gadwall today
Some of the male Tufted Duck

Water Rail 1 squealing
Common Snipe 1