Tuesday 20 November 2007

SD36V strikes again

Record shot in poor early morning light with a dark piece of sea giving a White-billed illusion! Thanks Reuben

Heysham Obs
The outer north harbour wall tetrad is certainly THE best in the area for picking up odds and ends. Already Black Guillemot, Guillemot, Razorbill, Black Redstart, Twite, Linnet, Little Gull, Rock Pipit, Shag, Med Gull have been 'dotted' since the start of the Atlas on 1/11. Lets hope December is similar to last year (Grey Phalarope, Leach's Petrel, Little Auk & Glaucous Gull!). Today:

Great Northern Diver: Juvenile close inshore off the north wall by the sandworks entrance gradually drifted north (into SD46A) and was present, but very difficult to keep track of when feeding, from at least 0915hrs to at least 1300hrs. An interesting behavioural observation involved a female Red-breasted Merganser. This suddenly shot up into the air and flew off, immediately followed by an Orca-like emergence of the GND from the exact spot vacated by the RBM. It lifted off the water with wings aloft and head and neck outstretched pointing forwards. Presumably some form of territorial behaviour, but I've not seen this before, despite several years of daily sightings in a former abode.
Purple Sandpiper - one was feeding along the rocks by the sandworks entrance for a short period around lunchtime before vanishing!
Med. Gull - 2nd W and adult patrolling the north wall
Rock Pipit - one kleinschmittii/petrosus type (sooty with very dusky outer tail feathers) along the north harbour wall near the end early morning, then flew over the harbour [36V, 35Z] (single Meadow Pipit still on the mound)

The most significant record is the continued presence of the Ad Yellow-legged Gull at Glasson - no details as to whether the behaviour is as per the late summer individual. Purple Sandpiper still off the end of the Stone jetty. NNEW Great White Egret

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