Wednesday 9 January 2008

Seawatching year ticks

Heysham Obs
'Created' a spare couple of hours this morning. What would normally have been a pretty tedious routine seawatch was elevated by the 2008 factor. Most of the birds seemed to be coming from across the Bay, then flying 'out' i.e. not blown properly into the Bay.

North harbour wall 1005-1135
Fulmar - 2 out - not at all regular in winter
Kittiwake - 31 out, bits and bobs other than a flock of 13
Little Gull - 6 adults out as 3+2+1
Guillemot - One out
Red-throated Diver - One out
Bar-tailed Godwit - 3 out (scarce here)
[What appeared to be a fem/imm Long-tailed Duck was seen very briefly at long range flying 'in' then ?landing on rough sea]

Med. Gull - 2nd W briefly along the seawall in the morning and adult during late afternoon check. c12 Twite were seen briefly at the sandplant entrance.

Ocean Edge side
Watched sea/IOM passenger ferry in 1140-1205 & there were 24 Kittiwake behind the ferry & 12 Ringed Plover on Ocean Edge west field

European White-fronted Goose with Greylags roadside near Catshaw Fell. TWO Purple Sandpiper Morecambe Stone Jetty at lunchtime. Two Bewick's Swans with just over 100 Mute on Jeremy Lane and 12+ Whooper in semi-darkness at Melling, Lune valley. Nothing on Pine Lake during quick check in fading light [19 Goosander].

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