Sunday 13 January 2008

WeBS lowlights

Quality photographs taken in 2007 of any dragonflies, Purple Sandpiper and the Pale-bellied Brent Goose gratefully received for the annual report and will be fully acknowledged with contact e-mail if requested. Thanks in anticipation. Please send to Jean Roberts or Reuben Neville, NOT Pete Marsh who cannot receive Broadband!

Heysham Obs
Difficulties accessing the site this evening - probably ashamed of the quality of this posting.

North harbour wall
Ad & 2nd W Med Gulls
12 Twite

South of harbour
12 Snipe flushed from Ocean Edge saltmarsh by the tide otherwise....

In the context of this winter and indeed former track record, the presence of three Blackcap at the Leighton Moss main feeder this last two days is unexpected (2 males). The Morecambe Prom WeBS produced the Light-bellied Brent at Sunny Slopes, TWO Purple Sandpipers at the Stone Jetty and the female Scaup close inshore at Bare. Much reduced numbers of Redshank and small gull species - presumably wet fields being the answer. Two Scaup and two Greenshank in the Conder area. European White-fronted Goose still by Catshaw Fell

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