Friday 22 February 2008

Did the same Pom Skua follow the ferry in?

Heysham Obs
North harbour wall 1150-1205
Missed the incoming ferry again due to phone call, but a short seawatch produced an outgoing juv Pomarine Skua at 'yellow buoy' range [1203hrs] along with four Ad Kittiwake sitting on the sea. The Pom was identical to and surely the same bird as the January record which was also just after the IOM passenger ferry entered port.
Med Gull - 2nd W in the harbour & no obvious sign of distress and no sign of any fishing line during fairly close views in flight late afternoon (c/f photo with fishing line two days ago)
Red-throated Diver - 2 distantly on the sea early am

Outfalls/Red Nab/Ocean Edge
1st W Little Gull Stage 2 outfall
Wigeon - 105
Med Gull - large adult Ocean Edge on sea

No reports of Warton Crag quarry Chough, negative on Great White Egret reported yesterday (including a check of the Ashton Hall roost which just produced 7 Little Egret). Pale-bellied Brent Goose Sunny Slopes groyne. Ad Spotted Redshank Bubbles (SJ) Groyne but no lunchtime sign of Purp Sand. Single Avocet on the Allen Pool [& Greenshank]. 3 Scaup Conder Pool & at least one Spotted Redshank & Greenshank in same area

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