Tuesday 18 March 2008

Another struggle.

Heysham Obs
Red Nab
Wigeon 12
Shelduck 82

Ocean Edge
Ringed Plover 9

Vis mig
Pink-footed Goose 12 NE far out over Bay
Meadow Pipit just 9 NE

Middleton Industrial Estate
Greylag Goose 3 on boat pond flew off south.
Jackdaw 4 at boat pond
Kestrel 2

Avocet arrival at the EM Pools with 16 present. Chough seen in quarry at least 1655hrs. Extra drake Scaup on Conder pool. Check of northern LDBWS recording area pretty fruitless with single Brambling at a heavily disturbed Old Park plantation [massive felling programme still, rather like Thrushgill - same company?]....... & 2 Little Grebe and a drake Pochard at Wyndhammere the only remote interest on the small lakes/tarns. Barnacle Goose and 2 Whooper Swan still Aldcliffe saltmarsh

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