Friday 14 March 2008

Little evidence of migration, despite drop in wind wasnt a helpful direction (WNW).

Heysham Obs
Vis Mig
70 Pink-footed Geese N at 0745hrs
3 Meadow Pipit N (2 at 1000hrs, one at 1115hrs)

North harbour wall
2nd S Med Gull on the big skeer by the sandworks entrance
Twite - just 2 unringed birds late afternoon seen in the whole recording area today

Wooden Jetty
Single Purple Sandpiper on the rocks below

Stage 2 outfall
1st W Little Gull and 3 adult Kittiwake

Few and far between of late but a March Moth and a small brown escapee (Brown House Moth?) were in the trap this morning.

Now 4 Avocets on the flood at east end EM Pool. Pale-bellied Brent Goose Sunny Slopes. Chough in at about 1530hrs.

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