Friday 21 March 2008

Rewards for the early birders

Heysham Obs report 2007 almost ready to print - will be available next week. Apologies for delay this year - my fault

Heysham Obs
Surprisingly good early on given the N wind

North harbour wall 0740-0840hrs
Little Gull - one blogging ad
Red-throated Diver - 3
Eider - 2 in
Kittiwake 21+63 in, 46+18 out - probably all different birds

Wooden jetty
Turnstone - 57
Purple Sandpiper - 1

Stage 2 outfall
Little Gull - 5 (3 ad 2 1st W) but soon dispersed
Kittiwake - 1st W & ad but soon dispersed

Middleton IE
3 Teal, 13 Coot & nesting Mute Swan

Red Nab/Ocean Edge
2 Bar-tailed Godwit

Ross's Goose Aldcliffe Marsh, northern end, but elusive and mobile, also single Barnacle Goose and 2 Whooper Swan

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