Thursday 17 April 2008

Freezing cold blocking rubbish

Heysham Obs
NE4-5 mainly clear. A quick look around the coastal recording area, including half an hour on the sea 0815-0845, was quite unproductive

North harbour wall
No obvious sign of the Black Guillemot
Purple Sandpiper - one on the wooden jetty
Red-throated Diver - one in non-breeding plumage out close inshore
Sandwich Tern - 2 in distantly
Linnet - 2 north the only evidence of 'vis'

Ocean Edge foreshore/Red Nab
Common Gull - 82

Nothing of interest reported locally except the 4 Scaup still at Conder Pool. Also 2 Brambling and still 4 Reed Bunting at a feeding station in Upper Hindburn catchment and 200+ Fieldfare nearby. Avocet up to 22 on Allen/EM Pool/flood. 1000+ Sand Martin Lower Hide at dusk and the Little Egret roost is back into double figures at 11 - what is going on!

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