Sunday 13 April 2008

Sandwich Terns

Heysham Obs

To coin a phrase there was "not a lot" today. Here are the 'highlights':

North Harbour Wall
0730-1000 NE 2 mostly cloudy

Red-throated Diver 5 (3 in channel, 1 out, 1 in)
Sandwich Tern 30
Skylark 1
Meadow Pipit 5
Goldfinch 1
Greenfinch 1
Linnet 1
Goosander 1 in -unusual for here.

Also - Harbour Porpoise

280 gulls, mainly immature Herring Gulls

Vis. 1545 - 1745 from Office -
Very quiet but 4 Black-headed Gull SW possibly three times height of pylons
Swallow 1 SE; 1 S
Shelduck 1 S

On Reserve
Pair Sparrowhawk
Chiffchaff in song

Lane Ends, Pilling - Ross's Goose, Tundra Bean Goose, Barnacle Goose, Raven.
Glasson - 200 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Raven.
Conder - 4 Scaup (3 M, 1F), 2 Spotted Redshank, 2 Little Ringed Plover
Aldcliffe - Little Egret (hardly worth a mention these days).
Leighton Moss - ad 2nd S Med Gulls on the pools, 2 Little Egret, Marsh Harriers
Botton Mill - 200 Fieldfare. It's still winter in the back of beyond, inland from Wray.

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