Thursday 1 May 2008

DBBrent a BTO business challenge bonus

Heysham Obs
Dark-bellied Brent on the seaward point of Red Nab at 0800, then disappeared whilst making phone call!

North harbour seawatch 0705-0935
Pomarine Skua - one in very distantly at 0855 (more info. received on this bird, hence upgrade). 2-3 other birds which may have been skuas further out at the same time
Arctic Skua - lm in 0750, dm in 0920
Common Scoter - 18 in
Red-throated Diver - c9, mainly in
Manx Shearwater - 10 in, 3-4 out
Gannet - 2 in, 4 out
Sandwich Tern - 1 in
Arctic Tern - 3 in
Kittiwake - 2 in
Whimbrel - 5 out
Razorbill - 2 out
Guillemot - one on sea
Fulmar - 2 in, 1 out
Dunlin - 45 out (flock)
House Martin - 1 in
Swallow - 1 in

Black Guillemot intermittently noted
Purple Sandpiper - at least 1 on wooden jetty

Porpoise - one close inshore

Large Red Damselfly Middleton IE

Osprey Leighton Moss. No Scaup at Glasson/Conder Pool

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