Tuesday 13 May 2008

Rubbish for mid-May, although Purple Sandpiper still hanging in

Heysham Obs
This morning's fare was pretty rock bottom as regards migrants for mid-May. Did discover, by trying all sorts of scope angles to find something mentionable, that on a clear day you would be able to see anything large & obvious off Pilling Lane Ends/Fluke Hall - should have tried for the 'wee wire hopper. as a 'seen-from' earlier this spring [Ross's Goose]! White-throated Sparrow mentioned on Radio Lancs this evening, but the anchorman may have given the impression its still here - no it isnt unless its is really skulking. Unfortunately no chance in the interview to mention this website for further info/pictures.

North harbour/Ocean Edge foreshore 0740-0840
Swallow - 6NE
Whimbrel - 4 on the shore off OE
Black Guillemot harbour entrance
Purple Sandpiper roosting on wooden jetty (& 55 Turnstone)
Black-headed Gull - 16 1st S north
Sandwich Tern - one far offshore
Arctic Tern - as yesterday, one 'in'

Negatives: no terns on outfalls, just TWO Common Gull seen, no distant windfarmish range seabirds during regular checks along the horizon

Osprey at Leighton Moss lower hide from lunchtime & Wood Warbler Winder Wood south, Roeburndale.

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