Wednesday 2 July 2008

Definitely two 1st S Little Gulls

Heysham Obs
Swift 3 East
Bar-tailed Godwit 2 'out' one in summer plumage (with 4 Curlew)

Red Nab
Mediterranean Gull two 2nd S none appeared to be ringed but upper leg not easy to see.
Common Tern 3 - 2 adult and one presumed winter plumage - dark cap, white forehead and black bill.
Collared Dove 1
Black-headed Gull - about 400 were on the mudflats/outfalls around Stage 2 outfall or between there & Red Nab at low tide.

Stage 2 Outfall
Sandwich Tern then flew towards Red Nab but seemed to continue past.
Little Gull - 1st S on Red Nab roost early morning, TWO 1st S together at high tide and also late afternoon.
Kittiwake 1st S

Middleton IE
A short ringing session in rather windy conditions included adult and juvenile Grasshopper Warbler, 7 juvenile and three adult Sedge Warbler, including a French-ringed bird

Crossbill - 4 north over High Tatham this morning. Juvenile Marsh Harrier on the wing at Leighton Moss but no obvious sign of yesterdays adult Little Stint on the Allen/EM Pools (but 2 Spotted Redshank & 3 Greenshank, including c.r. bird)

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