Tuesday 5 August 2008


Heysham Obs
The 'highlight' so far of a day producing far earlier than forecasted rain was two flocks of Canada Geese comprising 14 & 27 which flew east over the Obs recording area early morning

Ringing produced a juvenile Reed Warbler at Middleton and a welcome family of four Bullfinch at Heysham NR

Vis comprised c10 Swift, 15 Swallow and c8 Meadow Pipit SE

A quick lunchtime visit to coastal sites saw a Wheatear on the heliport, 2nd S->ad W Med Gull on the north wall and 1st S->2nd W Little Gull on the sea off Ocean Edge. Very few gulls Red Nab area but late in the tide cycle.

A good catch included the following new species for the year: Ypsolopha scabrella, Phoenix, Canary-shouldered Thorn. Two Silver Y were the only migrants.

Ad Med
in fields ast Cockersands & a few other coastal Wheatear. 28 Little Egret in the Leighton roost.

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