Sunday 21 September 2008

Bits and bobs in murky weather

Heysham Obs
Intermittent vis mig coverage due to mist netting activities at Middleton and by the office

7 Chiffchaff ringed after a noticeable lack in yesterdays clear weather
4 Goldcrest ringed
3 Blackcap ringed
2 Common Whitethroat ringed

Vis (mainly Middleton and grossly underrecorded due to ringing)
Grey Wagtail - 4 were ringed and at least another 6 were seen
Common Buzzard - one flew south just to the east of Middleton IE at about 1100hrs - rare here but the third this month
Tree Pipit - 1SE
Swallow - 19 SE
Meadow Pipit - 46 intermittently noted during the morning , then increasing to a further 160 in an hour just after midday
Chaffinch - 6 SW
alba Wagtail - 3 SW
House Martin - 4 SE

Med Gull - 2 x 1st W and 3 x Ad (including Czech-ringed bird) north harbour wall early morning
Kingfisher - one ringed at Middleton

At last a decent day with Colin Adams giving good coverage. More details when I have time. See link under comments but dont bother with the /?bit, it doesnt work! SEVEN species recorded including late Common Hawker, latish Brown Hawker & Common Blue damselfly & a couple of female Black Darter. Thanks Colin.

Dark-morph juv (0745hrs) and adult male (0930hrs) Honey Buzzard flew past Caton Moor vis mig site & perhaps the same over Hala, South Lancaster at 1000hrs (& three others on the fringe of the area over Bowland Knotts late morning (1 & 2)). One mid-afternoon at Brockholes Quarry sums up the known local(ish) records today. Juv Hobby Leighton Moss Lilian's Hide mid-afternoon. Crossbill over the Lune cycle track near Stodday.

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