Wednesday 10 September 2008

Jamming in on passage birds

Heysham Obs
Seawatching in autumn, unless there have been a few days of gale-force SW/W winds producing Leach's Petrels, can be like watching paint dry. For the systematic one hour early morning coverage Walney give the open sea coast, read cursory glances at a time usually stretching the definition of early morning.
For no apparent reason other than a bit of luck, a Great Skua was connected with this morning.

Outfalls/Red Nab/Ocean Edge/checking the sea/listening for vis 0730-0815
Great Skua - one flew out of the Bay at 0755
Common Scoter - flock (3M) out at 0745
Sandwich Tern - one out
Black Tern - juv roosting on Red Nab
Little Gull - Ad & 2nd W roosting on Red Nab
White Wagtail - 5 on Ocean Edge football pitch (& 22 Pied)
Meadow Pipit - 42 SE in the above time period, 37 SE 1145-1215
alba Wagtail - 5 SE
Grey Wagtail - 2 SE
Swallow - 43 SE 1145-1215

North harbour wall/wooden jetty
Shag - one juv but a lot of the Cormorants had already left on the dropping tide
Med Gull - Czech-ringed adult

Black-necked Grebe Conder Pool and Ad Yellow-legged Gull visible from Sunderland tidal road. Two experienced observers failed to find any Meds watching the Lune from Glasson. Female Marsh Harrier at various sites Cockersands to Fluke Hall.

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