Saturday 27 September 2008

More Coal Tit & finches starting to take over from Meadow Pipits

Heysham Obs
No ringing this morning (too risky with damaged ankle ligaments), so a lengthy vis mig session by the office plus checking stuff moving through the bushes. Also pretty good coverage around the rest 0f the recording area, though, with a some bits and bobs as seen below. However, the situation on the ground suggested reduced numbers of night migrants compared to the last 2-3 days:

This was located at lunchtime along the north harbour wall and the views suggested female/imm Black Redstart. However it was spooked by two cyclists before full details were obtained and caution was necessary as the bird was slightly silhouetted, therefore perhaps appearing darker than the reality (per Mark Prestwood). Hopefully it will be found tomorrow in the large area of suitable, often private, habitat.

Grounded on reserve/dog walk/Middleton IE
Whitethroat - one Middleton
Chiffchaff - at least 7
Goldcrest - very few - perhaps no more than 5
Song Thush - 7, most flew inland
Redwing - 1, then inland

North harbour wall/harbour area
Shag - FOUR juvs on wooden jetty at high tide.
Med Gull - at least one ad
Linnet - 27 grounded
Guillemot - two floated into Bay & another at high tide
Gannet - one flew out of the bay at high tide
Dunnock - one by Gate 38 was unexpected

Outfalls area
Little Gull - Ad & 2nd W still present

Vis mig, mainly from office but some NHW & Middleton 0730-1030
Jackdaw - flock of 61 south over Middleton - the first of the autumn
Redpoll agg. - 17 SE, mostly early on
alba Wagtail - 87 SE plus at least 100 on OE foreshore/Red Nab early on (at least 6 White Wagtail). One moribund bird NHW, died later.
Grey Wagtail - 2 SE
Meadow Pipit - just 34 SE, probably including the 20+ grounded early morning on NHW mound.
Chaffinch - 44 S/SW
Linnet - 27 SE
Siskin - 41 SE & at 4 lots of "heard only"
Greenfinch - 28 SW
Goldfinch - 18 S/SW
Coal Tit - 22 south
Dunnock - 1 S
Greylag - 3 low to the S
Skylark - 4 SE

Middleton IE
Tufted Duck (13), Mallard (7), Moorhen (14), Coot (7), Little Grebe (3 plus two small chicks), Mute Swan (2), Snipe (14)

Comma Middleton - one also seen there yesterday. Large and Small White Nature reserve.

Pectoral Sandpiper located on Allen Pool at 1450hrs. Possible Honey Buzzard south over Morecambe. No small calidrids Sunderland side of the Lune on the dropping tide but Ad Med Gull. At Med Gull Broadway

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