Thursday 25 September 2008

Obliging Hobby but still a little too clear

A tale of two photographers today. The first (four) photos of todays juv Hobby are cxxp, the fifth was received today from a well-known quality photographer. The Hobby was mobbed by Magpies until it sat near the mist net ride, which Magpies keep away from!

This photograph was taken at Seaforth NR, Crosby, Liverpool on 21/9 and the bird was ringed at Middleton IE on 8/9. I am surprised it was not further south than this. Thanks to Steve Young for both the pic and ringing recovery.

Heysham Obs

The promised fog did not materialise although there was some heavyish cloud out to sea first thing. We got it wrong by not setting nets at the migrant arrival point below the Obs Tower as migrants comprised an early "rush" of mainly Goldcrest and Chiffchaff, followed by very little else as the skies cleared. On the basis of the 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Yellow-browed ratio at Seaforth, we missed one of the latter!


Redstart - female type non-op land
Garden Warbler - 2 eating blackberries in tank farm
Stonechat - male Middleton IE
Blackcap - 1 female with the above
probable Reed Warbler - 1 - only seen briefly on edge of tank farm but looked like (juv) Reed
Goldcrest c13 - seemed to 'melt away' after early morning
Chiffchaff - c23 on thorough search of British Energy land late afternoon
Redwing - 1 south end of tank farm
Robin - a few migrants (2 ringed) but quite a lot of early singing
Song Thrush - c5
HOBBY - 1 juv which sat around for 2.5 hours, initially on the cream store (found by John Girdley), then when harrassed by Magpies it went on to a nearby fence, then moved again & and sat untroubled next to the mist net by the Obs Tower pond for two hours (Magpies dont go near mist nets!). After a lengthy preening session it left this perch about 1015hrs

Heysham Head held a Wheatear, three Chiffchaff, a Whitethroat and at least one Goldcrest.

Unfortunately the mound area and Red Nab bushes were not checked first thing.
Meadow Pipit - just 41 SE
Grey Wagtail - 3 SE (one colour-ringed)
House Sparrow - one high to the west, unseen (I dont think it was a Richard's Pipit!)
alba Wagtail - 10 SE
Skylark - 2 SE

At least 4 Red Admiral south by 1200hrs

Two Little Stint & a Curlew Sandpiper Cockersands. Osprey fishing Pine Lake "about a week ago" (per resident)

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