Wednesday 29 October 2008

A bit wintry!

Heysham Obs
Not a great deal of new stuff to reward the early shiverers

Ocean Edge/outfalls
Arctic Tern - juv still Stage 2 outfall (3 days to go before it could become a 'winter' atlas mega)
Shag - Two juveniles, one on the inshore gull bathing pool on Red Nab!
Little Egret - one next to the main saltmarsh channel
Med Gull - adult following the 'Shield' out of port

Vis mig 0850-1030
Pink-footed Goose - 25 SE
Redwing - 7 SW
Greenfinch - 3 SW
Snipe - 4 SE
Mistle Thrush - 3 SW

North harbour wall
Rock Pipit - 1 off-passage
Shag - 2 juvs (4 in total for the area)

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