Monday 27 October 2008

a bits and bobs early morning

Heysham Obs
Missed some vis due to the closed Halton-Slyne rat run but surely nothing dramatic

North harbour wall & area 0730-0800
Shag - now five juvs around the harbour waterfall and having exclusive access to the food as everything else scared off by nearby dredger activity
Med Gull - the elusive 1st W was patrolling the north wall and at least one adult was also seen
Whooper Swan - 6 high to the SE
'Twinnet' - none at all early am, 8 Twite later
no Shelduck moving at all

Vis mig 0730-0900 (north wall to 0800, office 0805-0900)
Siskin - 22+16 SE
Chaffinch - 41 SW
Redwing - 1 SW
Meadow Pipit - 2 SE
alba Wagtail - 3 SE
Greenfinch - 2 SW
Goldfinch - 4 SE
Linnet - 3 SE
Coal Tit - 5 S

Grounded by office
Goldcrest - at least 8
Blackbird - 3 migrants - flew inland
Redwing - 2 along Moneyclose Lane

Ocean Edge/outfalls
Arctic Tern - just the juv seen in very brief visit

A few Woodpigeon on the Caton Moor vis but otherwise a trickle of Chaffinch

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