Saturday 11 October 2008

Bits and bobs of interest amidst the general dross

Heysham Obs
Very little evidence of numbers of migrants around today, either overhead or in the bushes. Three interesting new records though.

Miscellaneous highlights
LONG-TAILED DUCK - f/imm flew into the Bay late morning as seen by Mike Watson, Mark Varley et sl

'Commic Tern' - 6 juvs, almost certainly all Common, flew out together mid morning

Coal Tit - c48 flew south over HNR office, including a high-flying flock of 27 the ad Arctic tern still on Heysham 2 outfall and 2 juv Shag & 3 adult Med Gulls along the north harbour wall

Goldcrest - c8
Chiffchaff - one
Blackcap - lightweight female trapped and ringed
Song Thrush - c6 grounded before flying inland to the SE
No other thrush spp. migrants

Vis (note that there are other crows etc. doing 'nothing'; these are perceived vis mig records only)
Swallow - 2
Greenfinch - 11
Chaffinch - 8
Goldfinch - 12
Sparrowhawk - 1 very high eventually flew SE
alba Wagtail - 3
Crow - 3
Coal Tit - 48
Bullfinch - 3
Meadow Pipit - 2

Dolphin spp. dead on the beach between the heliport and sandworks along the north wall. Coastguards informed.

Absolutely nothing of interest reported in this area other than further evidence of Coal Tit movement.

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