Sunday 5 October 2008

Brief coverage, then sorting the Irish away-day!

Heysham Obs
Quick posting having sorted out a nice Seatruck deal - saves messing about with Ryanair or the dreaded A55/A75. This one has to be gone for! The figures (esp vis) may be refined with further notebook info.

Red Nab/OE
Arctic Tern - the adult still present early morning (but no sign of any Little Gulls etc)

Goldcrest - 7 ringed
Chiffchaff - 3 ringed
Robin - 2 ringed

Middleton IE pm
Nice selection, including what is becoming a very rare bird here: Pheasant. Other sightings included 21 Tufted Duck, female Stonechat, 25 Snipe (morning maxima).

Insects Middleton IE
One Black Darter, 8 Migrant Hawker and a late Meadow Brown. Also one Small White, one Red Admiral and single figures of Common Darter

Vis mig
Meadow Pipit 20-30ish
Grey wagtail - 3 (one colour-ringed)
Skylark - 5
Linnet - 3
Pink-footed Goose - flock of c32
Sparrow - probably House - 1S
Dunnock - fidgety birds on the move today e.g. 5+ at Red Nab

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