Friday 24 October 2008

Much much better!

Heysham Obs
North harbour wall
Snow Bunting, probably male [based on extensive wing flash], flushed by vehicle from the seaward base of the sandplant bank - flew low 'over the top', trilling & left for other observers to follow up (0950hrs). This was on the return journey from the harbour mouth & the bird had presumably moved over from the sunny side or just arrived, as it was not present 10 minutes earlier. No further information received on whether it had been relocated but not obviously on the NHW at lunchtime, but there are 'blind spots' in the sandworks.
Purple Sandpiper - A solitary individual on the seawall by the harbour mouth - flew along towards the heliport
Shag - One on the wooden jetty and three around the waterfall area (& 4 Cormorant). All juvs
Twite - minimum of 5, later 7
Shelduck - 71 out in five flocks in 25 minutes intermittent observation
Med Gull - three Ad joined incoming IOM ferry
Great-crested Grebe - two in the harbour

Stage 2 outfall
Arctic Tern - Juvenile joining the long-staying adult
Common Tern - juvenile with quite a bit of ginger still late afternoon at least
Little Gull - ad briefly, then flew out to sea

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