Monday 13 October 2008

Routine fare

The heliport/seawall roost from Half-Moon Bay. Unfortunately more and more people are accessing this seawall without being challenged and the roost is regularly disturbed. Thanks for the photo Malcolm
Heysham Obs
A quick shoot round prior to work

North harbour wall/wooden jetty
Med Gull - three adults sat in a line on the railings until flushed by a guy on a bike with an English flag waving about - flew towards the harbour mouth!
Linnet/Twite - flock of 23 including at least 2 Twite by the sandworks entrance until flushed by the above
Shag - juv on the wooden jetty, not flushed by the cyclist

Ocean Edge foreshore/Stage 2 outfall/Red Nab
Arctic Tern - adult still on Stage 2 outfall
Linnet - 4 on the football pitch
Wigeon - 31 Red Nab
........otherwise pretty dead with no evidence of any Dunlin remaining amongst the Redshank on the accreting saltmarsh or migrant passerines. A regular dog walker informed that he hadnt seen a Little Egret "for about 3 weeks" which fits with other observations of the area.
F/imm Ruddy Duck fast asleep on Pine Lake this afternoon. Juv Shag Stone Jetty. Redwings over Lancaster early on last night. No obvious sign of Y.B. Warbler during an encounter with a Long-tailed Tit-based flock at Botton Mill area this afternoon

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