Tuesday 21 October 2008

This weather is wearing thin

The adult Arctic Tern still present today. Thanks to Mike Watson for the picture (see link to blogspot for more photos)

Heysham Obs
.......No grounded migrants, no new "yanks" nationwide, no Pallas's Warblers within at least 1000 miles of even the east coast...and no helpful weather on the horizon apart from possible transatlantic fall-out from Thursday/Friday depression. At Heysham this morning, just a few thrushes struggling through, the same birds close inshore and miscellaneous odds and ends overhead/out to sea

North harbour wall 0810-0840hrs
Gannet - juv out
Whooper Swan - 3 SE from over the bay (0820ish)
Med Gull - 3 adults
Shag - one juv
Shelduck - 3 out
Common Gull - 26 out
Linnet/Twite - about 10 in flight briefly

Ocean Edge/outfalls/Red Nab
Arctic Tern - ad still S2O

Moneyclose Lane
Redwing - 16 flushed from roadside bushes - flew inland

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