Sunday 23 August 2009

Med fest but indications a pre-rain passerine fall badly missed

Heysham Obs
Greeted on a far too late arrival by 3 Whitethroat in the buddliea below the office, at least 6 calling Willow Warbler by the office, a Sedge Warbler in the bramble next to the car park and 4 (remaining?) Wheatear dodging the dogs on Ocean Edge foreshore [plus another 6 on or around the heliport at high tide]. Par for the course in these conditions (a fresh SE wind prior to the rain) but thought the rain was happening a lot earlier (i.e. in the night) so no alarms set by any ringers/observers. Casual 'vis' comprised 14 south bound Swallows
during scattered coverage (e.g. WeBS)

Incoming tide Ocean Edge/Red Nab/outfalls
This was covered very thoroughly by Mark Prestwood by the outfalls and Pete Marsh on Ocean Edge foreshore. Unfortunately the colour-ringed Med could not quite be clinched (camcorder needed!)
Med Gull - at least 6 quite possibly 7 adults, including green-ringed bird starting with a definite letter 'A', then a probable 4, then at least one '1', the latter part of all this being very uncertain. If anyone sees it, please try and sort out the top one or two characters first. Also 5 juveniles, one of which was virtually into 1st winter plumage and therefore quite hard to pick out on Red Nab amongst the Black-headed Gulls. No other ages seen in careful search.
Black-tailed Godwit - 6
Whimbrel - 1
Common Sandpiper - 1

North harbour wall/heliport high tide
Med Gull - adult patrolling the wall amongst all the anglers but couldnt get decent view yo see whether it was the above-tarsus-ringed Czech bird or the other regular wintering adult
Cormorant - 39 on the wooden jetty - a good total for August

'Ad-type' (surely the 4CY?) Yellow-legged Gull Glasson, juv Wood Sandpiper Conder creek, 2 ad Meds Glasson, juv Spoonbill EM complex

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