Saturday 29 August 2009

No morning squalls, no birds

Heysham Obs
North harbour wall 0700-0800, 1300-1330
Wheatear - one on mound, one on Middleton IE
Gannet - 4 +2
Fulmar - 4
Manx Shearwater - 2 1315ish
Common Scoter - 10 (one flock)
Med Gull - adult harbour mouth, 2 adults Red Nab, 2 juvs on outfalls

Middleton IE
Little Grebe - as is not unusual at this site with late broods, newly hatched young seen today

Ringing recovery
Decent Twite recovery received this morning; ringed here on 13/3/09 (2CY female) and found freshly dead at Kerrera, which is the island immediately next to Oban, on 20/4/09

Juv Wood Sandpiper Conder creek

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