Friday 11 September 2009

Very very slow!

Heysham Obs
Lengthy work/vis/work/mistnetting coverage around the office today. Most unusual for here was a flock of 7 Golden Plover high to the SE

Vis mig - high flying birds heading S/SE/E
Grey Wagtail - 7 (2 ringed)
Meadow Pipit - 82
House Martin - 16
Collared Dove - 6
Siskin - 4
alba Wagtail - 6
Chaffinch - 7
Reed Bunting - 1
Pink-footed Goose - 51 (flock) south at 0815hrs
Carrion Crow - 2
Swallow - 21
Goldfinch - 3
Linnet - 7
Golden Plover - 7 (flock) SE
Blue Tit - c6

Anting over the office
One adult Med Gull

Very slack with 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Robin & a few Great & Blue Tit & Greenfinch

Moth trap
One Copper Underwing

Nothing as yet

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