Sunday 28 February 2010

Shoveler adrenalin

Heysham Obs
Shoveler made their first appearance since 2008 to join a good selection of wildfowl on Middleton IE

Middleton IE (now named Middleton Nature Reserve (LWT))
Shoveler - pair, 8 Pochard, 11 Tufted Duck, 2 Little Grebe, 4 Mute Swan, 12 Coot, 9 Moorhen, 10 teal, 3 Goldeneye.
Pink-footed Goose - 43 NW

Ocean Edge a bit too late in high tide
Jack Snipe - 1
Snipe - 3
Wigeon - 78

North Harbour Wall 8am
4 Mute Swan (2 adult, 2 imms - from Middleton?) flew across the Bay towards Grange
3 Red-breasted Mergansers flew into the Bay
32 Twite - one unringed and the rest with Heysham rings.

.........dropping tide mid-pm
Med Gull - two adults, including Czech-ringed bird, on anglers scraps
Red-throated Diver - one in Kent channel in 5 minute scan
Of interest, what was almost certainly a Shag was also miles out in the Kent channel but it took flight and id confidence was not 100% (size, round wings & fast flap & not a lot else!!).  Several have been round Walney all winter but very scarce this last autumn/winter this side with no 'stickers'

20 Whooper Swan (4 juv) right next to the A683 road just south of Hornby (including the wintering darvic-ringed bird S53 - please dont create extra admin sending this to WWT yourself).  Two singing male Cetti's Warbler Leighton Moss causeway.  Egyptian Goose still Hillam Lane.   Common Sandpiper still Conder.

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