Sunday 21 March 2010

Meadow Pipit Morning

Visible Migration
After an early morning mist, a bit of movement, in particular of Meadow Pipits.

Meadow Pipit - 164 north.  Including 6 ringed by the hut.
Goldfinch - 21 N
Alba wagtail - 9 N
Green woodpecker - 1 in tank farm area.
Goldcrest - 1 by hut.  The first this spring.
Reed Bunting - 1 adult male trapped wearing ring fitted on 03/04/2009.
Mistle Thrush - 1 singing loudly on Reserve
Redwing - one tank farm
Siskin - 2 north

North Harbour Wall
Wigeon - 2 on sea.
Eider - 2 males
Twite - c50 initially, then c12 remained and remainder disappeared.  Only 5 trapped, of these 2 ringed & 3 unringed.  Sundays are not good for catching Twite here!
Linnet - 4 trapped, of these, 1 ringed & 3 unringed.

Dotted Border - 1, the only moth in the hut trap.


Green-winged teal still Leighton Moss Griesdale Hide

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