Friday 2 April 2010

Back to the overheads

Heysham Obs
A steady Meadow Pipit passage was the order of the day this morning, but unfortunately an opportunity to catch them in the calm early-morning weather was thwarted by an opening time hire car return.  Two out of about 20 around the nets were caught as the wind increased, indicating that they were in response mode (not always the case in spring).  Monday early morning looks interesting for a few seabirds unless the wind ends up too southerly
North harbour wall & combined Meadow Pipit/alba passage
Meadow Pipit - 75 NE 0650-0830 and a different 109 NE at the HNR office 0830-1000
alba Wagtail - 8 + 7 as above
Linnet - 7 NE
Swallow - 1 NE (IOY)
Little Egret - 1 SW
Song Thrush - one on mound - surely not the same bird as intermittent all winter?
Red-throated Diver - 3 out, one on, 5 in later (visiting birder)
Guillemot - 1
Red-breasted Merganser - 2 in
Eider - 71 visible
Twite - c65.  This flock split up with around 14 remaining, the rest disappearing across the harbour.  A small catch of 8 (4retraps, 4 unringed) was made.  No further birds appeared, but no reflection on the fishermen/visitors today.

Office vis not mentioned
Reed Bunting - 2 NE
Siskin - 2 NE
Sparrowhawk - female high to NE chased by locals & Carrion Crow
Common Buzzard - one north over golf course c0945hrs - rare here!
Green Woodpecker - calling down Moneyclose Lane
Chiffchaff - one migrant male moved through, singing intermittently

Middleton IE
Chiffchaff - at least 6
Tufted Duck - 3
Usual breeding wildfowl, incluidng 4 Mute Swan still present

Nothing worthy of mention off/at Ocean Edge as the dearth of Wheatear continues & very few of the migrating alba Wagtails becoming grounded

Two flight views of Glossy Ibis late afternoon near Gresgarth Hall, the last heading over Brookhouse [displaying Curlew seen for comparison].  18 Whooper Swans still in Lune valley: one large flock near Melling (including darvic-ringed bird present the last two winters) & two attached to a small Mute Swan flock.  Four Hawfinch seen at Woodwell but coastal observations south of the Lune Estuary and Leighton postings showed little evidence of further migration other than a handful of hirundines & a very sparse scattering of Wheatears.  Ring Ouzel influx in upland areas to the south and east (including Pendle).  Still no hint of any booming Bitterns at Leighton Moss with the last known sighting of any 'resident' birds being a 2000-ringed female on 31/1/10.

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