Tuesday 20 April 2010

Early morning auks and a decent moth

An iconic blackberrying of a Chamomile Shark

Heysham Obs
The best has probably already been squeezed out of today's brisk north-westerly with the following, althought there is previous history of Kittiwake flocks moving with the tide, even in the afternoon, in these conditions:

North wall 0700-0830
Gannet - 7 in
Razorbill/Guillemot - 23 in, 3 out
Razorbill - 21 in
Guillemot - 1 in
Common Scoter - 4 out
Red-throated Diver - 1+2+3 in, gaining height
Sandwich Tern - 6 in
alba Wagtail - 4 in
Meadow Pipit - 2 in
Swallow - 3 in
Wheatear - one sandworks

The first birding 'miss' due to temporarily being without a mobile as I could have intercepted this.  Flying towards Heysham from Rossall at 1100hrs.  Thanks for trying Ian.

Ocean Edge
No Wheatear 0720hrs

Included the first Chamomile Shark for yonks

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