Monday 12 April 2010

Late Whoopers

Heysham North Harbour Wall

Beautiful weather, sunny, blue sky, excellent visibility - but hardly any birds to see!  The main sighting was a raft of 35 Whooper Swans floating into the Bay.
8 Sandwich Terns were also seen plus
11 Red-breasted Mergansers
3 Great-crested Grebe (a displaying pair and one other)
78 Eider visible

Vis - almost non-existent:
Lesser Redpoll 3
Linnet 1

1 Meadow Pipit

Feeding station
Only 9 Twite today (including an unringed bird).  

male Blackcap and Chaffinch

Golden Eagle seen in the Langden Valley.  Osprey over Leighton Moss early morning.

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