Sunday 9 May 2010

First Fulmar of the year

Heysham obs

North Harbour Wall 0605 - 0835
Clear, NE F1-2
High tide at 0850hrs 7.9m

Fulmar - 1 in
Arctic Skua - 2 both pale phase. 1 at 0625hrs and 1 at 0719hrs
Arctic Tern - 88 (18+1+3+30+30+6) in
Sandwich Tern - 17 in
Gannet - 4 in
Kittiwake - 4 in
Red-throated Diver - 3 in
Mute Swan - 10 in (!)
Dunlin - 17 in
Guillemot - 1 on
Swallow - 1
Turnstone - 12 on the jetty

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