Wednesday 30 June 2010


Heysham Obs
A ringing session by the hut, somewhat interrupted by moth collecting activities, produced 12 birds, including 4 Tit sp.,  2 Common Whitethroat, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Willow Warbler, 1 Chiffchaff.

Moths: The hut trap produced 210 moths of 58 species - a good catch for this site. Thanks to John for his unexpected but timely arrival to complete the identification of the catch.  Silky Wainscot perhaps the pick of the bunch

Silver Hook and Obscure Wainscot were the highlights of a short sheet and light session at Middleton IE - both are presumably breeding there

The model boat pond produced a distant sighting of a photographer with head in hands (asleep??) so presumably no Red-veined Darters!    Looks like this last winter/'premature' autumn emergence might have put paid to this species and there is absolutely no evidence of any along the south coast e.g. Dungeness BO website.  Still a bit early to be certain.


The Channel Wagtail x female flavissima pairing in the Lune valley now has fledged young on the shingle at Wenningfoot

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