Sunday 27 June 2010

Tits galore

Heysham Obs
A quick visit to the reserve office early morning saw at least 40 tit species in the usual ringing bushes - however we had already committed to a session at Middleton.  It looks like its been a very good breeding season for tits (also supported by provisional nestbox data) after a reasonable feeder-assisted survival this last winter.  A significant proportion of the flock was Long-tailed Tit - I dont think this would have been the case after winter 1962/3, before they discovered fat balls

Middleton IE
Only two hours ringing due to work committments produced a steady trickle of warbler species (including Grasshopper) and a few rather myopic Swallows.  Worryingly, two ringing sessions there totalling over 70 birds have not included a single Reed Bunting, implying first brood failure.  Memo: add to the records an unseasonal fly-over Siskin during the CES on 20/6

Rather a lot and most of the flighty stuff was intercepted before the sun blazed into the trap.  As far as I am aware, a mass breakout of Common Footman (14) was actually new for the year, also apparently new were:  Map-winged Swift, Satin Wave (a bit belated), Dingy Footman and Grass Emerald.  Need to get the records out of the log on to MapMate, rather than trying to plough through 5 varieties of handwriting!

Colin unfortunately could not make it today - can someone please do the Middleton butterfly/dragonfly transect in the decent weather - I'm away till Thursday & its going off then by all accounts.  A VERY brief check of the model boat pond did not produce any darters

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