Wednesday 12 January 2011

Disappearing acts

Click the BTO ringing blog link for some amazing Little Egret recoveries from Britain & Ireland ringing in e.g. Canary Isles & Azores!

Heysham Obs
A short north wall trawl included a dose of stale Mother's Pride type stuff in the direction of a few seagulls.  Not a single Med responded - not the first time this has happened in damp conditions!   Similarly well-attended outfalls (BHGs) were devoid of Monday's Little Gull

Purple Sandpiper - 2 on the wooden jetty
Black-tailed Godwit - 2 Ocean Edge (along with 2 Bar-tailed and 3 Grey Plover)
Twite - 20 on the seed in the morning
Pink-footed Goose - 45 (f) south

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