Thursday 6 January 2011

Great Northern Diver!

Barn Owl by the new roundabout on the bypass - right on the eastern edge of the recording area - about 1730hrs

Heysham Obs
Great Northern Diver
What appeared to be a winter adult was showing very well around the outfalls/wooden jetty for just over 30 minutes around midday, before swimming 'out to sea' (thanks Sean)
Rock Pipit - one south harbour wall
Mistle Thrush - one south harbour wall
Twite - 68 north wall/south wall, 13 Ocean Edge saltmarsh edge
Purple Sandpiper - TWO again on the wooden jetty this morning.  The 2011 appearance of the Stone jetty individual could just have been a reflection of poor coverage in that area, but this is emphatically not the case at Heysham with lengthy EIAs as well as plenty of casual coverage.  At least one additional bird also took up residence in late 2009.  Interesting mid-winter movements but where from?
Teal - male OE saltmarsh edge
Linnet - 2 OE saltmarsh edge

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