Wednesday 19 January 2011

Where have all the Moorhen gone?

Please could anyone visiting the Heysham area tomorrow either post on here, e-mail me the stuff or put on LDBWS site.  Thanks.

Heysham Obs
Malcolm had a nil Moorhen return on Middleton at the w/e, despite a previous week of wet, soggy and warm weather and a significant return by other wildfowl and Heysham NR was similarly devoid of any waterbird (of any sort) action this afternoon

Hey Nat Res Office area
Coal Tit - two unringed birds caught - most surprising at this time of year
Brambling - one at the feeder earlyish morning only
Siskin - 9 south at midday and one south mid pm
A walk around the reserve mid-pm included the following: 2 Wren, 5 Blackbird, 3 Song Thrush, 4 singing Great Tit, 2 singing Dunnock, 3 singing Robin, 3 Bullfinch

North harbour wall
Just 5 Twite seen on a morning visit but the mound was not walked.  No other observations

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