Monday 17 January 2011

Winter gnats have a ball

Heysham Obs
A quick walk round the reserve saw loads of 'winter gnat' type things but a paucity of non-tit insectivores to eat them with just 4 singing Robin, one Wren and three (non-singing) Dunnock.  Best was a Reed Bunting which then flew over to the golf course

North harbour wall first thing
Twite - 36 on the seed and a further 24 nearer the harbour mouth
Linnet - just one
Med Gull - Czech-ringed adult

No sign of Purple Sandpipers or anything offshore on the fairly calm sea, but visibility not so good after 3/4 mile

No moths

Pink-footed Geese 36  flew north in two flocks (16 + 20)

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