Tuesday 17 May 2011


Heysham Obs
However, I have just heard about 3,500 Dunlin & 400 Ringed Plover which need detailed scrutiny at Sunderland.....before some work is done!  Worth checking fresh wader habitat as well in the next day or so.  Wind dropped this morning, flattened out the sea but didnt drop quite enough for a Middleton CES effort.  The sea was mind-numbingly poor, especially the early incoming tide (often a good time for skuas) which scored zero on the 'notable' bird front, not even a passing Swallow

North harbour wall 0500-0545 & 0630ish to 0830
Arctic Skua - dark morph in at 0520hrs
Carrion Crow - two having a serious fight on the mudflats
[40 Kittiwake later at JBP]

Red Nab/Ocean Edge incoming tide
Kittiwake - 2CY stage 2 outfall
Whimbrel - 6
Common Gull - 247 (1 adult, 5 3CY, rest 2CY)
Surprisingly no small waders

Middleton NR mist net ride gardening
Reed Warbler - at least 2 singing males
Grasshopper Warbler - ditto

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