Saturday 4 June 2011

The Emperors patrol

Heysham Obs
Creepy-crawlies to the fore today as the weather allowed decent flight periods by dragonflies, but the May weather must surely have put paid to some of the early emergers in the balmy April weather.  In this respect, 4-spotted Chasers were much scarcer than they should be at this time of year with a morning maximum of just 6 at Middleton.  At least 2, probably 3 Emperors were on the wing there

Middleton NR
Reed Warbler - at least 5 singing males
Lesser Redpoll - the bird record of the day was a male in song flight over the model boat pond area.  This is a good atlas addition for the rich and varied SD45E!
Long-tailed Tit - party of recently fledged young ringed

Kittiwake - 2CY

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