Monday 13 June 2011

Little Ringed Plovers pay a visit

Heysham Obs
Outfalls/Red Nab area 0830-0900
Common Gull - 210
Black-headed Gull - 39
Manx Shearwater - 4 together out and across (skimming the mouth of the bay at long range)
Gannet - one as above
No sign of any Kittiwake or Med Gull

Middleton NR evening visit (Janet)

Large Yellow Underwing was warmly welcomed into the trap for the first time this year

Recent site visits
If the recent Israel contacts (see 'visitors') are indeed ringers, would be grateful for the ringing details of the Lesser Whitethroat, please, as I have a newspaper article to do for Thursday morning at the latest & would like to include this.  Thanks - please email to

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