Wednesday 20 July 2011

A butterfly on the buddliea at last!

Heysham Obs
The office buddlieas had been flowering in vain until today - a really dire situation which looks particularly ominous for the autumnal emergence of    Peacock.  One Red Admiral appeared today...............although I am sure they are a hive of moth activity at night

Ocean Edge/Red Nab/outfalls
A bit late on the incoming tide today and some of the birds had been flushed from Red Nab
Med Gull - 2 juvs, 2 ads, one 3CY
Little Gull - 2CY Heysham 2 outfall
Whimbrel - 3

Didnt get to check until 1145hrs and it was very noctuid-dominated, suggesting much of the flighty stuff had departed. One Blackneck, one Plain Golden Y (both Golden Ys are rare here) and two Pediasia aridella the highlights with 30 Straw Underwing topping the bill

Common Shrew - 1 dead on path below Princess Alex. Way. Used to be frequently reported around reserve but infrequently noted in last couple of years.

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