Saturday 16 July 2011

Humdrum WeBS

Heysham Obs
High tide WeBS
Too high for any birds with just seagulls, Oystercatcher and Cormorant above low single-figures.  Enjoyable if you like looking at moulting 2CY argenteus Herring Gulls.

Count within the recording area
Oystercatcher (655 heliport seawall, 4 Red Nab), Black-headed Gull (17 harbour area, 5 Red Nab), Lesser Black-backed Gull (108 in total), Herring Gull (61 in total), Great Blac-backed Gull (3 in total), Cormorant (11 wooden jetty), Redshank (one wooden jetty), Lapwing (one Ocean Edge saltmarsh), Ringed Plover (one Ocean Edge foreshore).  Everything else had been pushed out of sight towards Middleton/Lune Estuary, presumably including a 'wadge' of Meds. 

Here endeth the ultimate 'non-posting'!

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