Tuesday 16 August 2011

Coastal selection

Heysham Obs
Peter Golborn informed me that he had seen a distant Bonxie and a pale morph skua which appeared to be a Pomarine during a pre-lunch seawatch

Outfalls/Red Nab/Ocean Edge late incoming tide
Common Tern - adult
Sandwich tern - adult
Little Gull - adult and 2CY
Med Gull - 4 x adult, 2 x 3CY and one x juvenile.  Many of the gulls were heading off towards Middleton when I got there

Very poor for waders c/p yesterday with just 2 Knot seen amongst the usual Redshank etc.

No Meds hanging around anglers along the north harbour wall as yet

Latish Least Yellow Underwing and Canary Shouldered Thorn the best of a small catch

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