Monday 1 August 2011

Elusive darvics

Heysham Obs
Please can someone with better eyesight than I have a go at the Meds on the incoming tide (or perhaps better at low tide loafing by the outfalls) this week.  There are two darvic-ringed birds - both adults -  one with black letters on white and one with a green darvic and ?black letters.  Thanks in anticipation.

Red Nab/Ocean Edge/outfalls
Med Gull - 8 x ad (2 darvic-ringed), one 3CY and 3 x juvenile (at least two unringed)
Sandwich Tern - 4 (one juv)
Little Gull - adult
Whimbrel - 2
Redshank - 244
Oyste4rcatcher - 2,350
Curlew - 44
Lapwing - 2
Ringed Plover - 2

Office area
A few migrants during latish low-key ringing which saw far fewer Greenfinch than during the clearer weather in the last few days.  'New' birds included 3 Willow Warbler, 3 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap and a Sedge Warbler.  The adult female Blackcap ringed at Woolston Eyes in autumn 2009 and retrapped here last year & this spring also paid a visit to the nets

Agriphila latistria made its first appearance as did Canary Shouldered Thorn

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