Friday 26 August 2011

Nice morning of routine migrants

Heysham Obs
North harbour wall
Black Redstart - seen first thing but not sure about later on
Wheatear - 6
Shag - one reported on pager!

Heysham & Middleton ringing
Steadyish with 78 new birds and the following 'new' migrants:  Blackcap (4), Lesser Whitethroat (4), Willow Warbler (13), Whitethroat (7), Tree Pipit (1), Chiffchaff (2), Sedge Warbler (just one).  Robin (2) and Dunnock (3) were at least 'dispersing'.  'New' finches included Greenfinch (11) and Goldfinch (10)
There was obviously a small fall of Willow Warbler as these have been in short supply over the last few days

Vis mig
Swallow 200 from 0915hrs - 1015hrs over Middleton Ind Est
House Martin 25 in the same time period
Tree Pipit - 2 (in addition to one caught)
Grey Wagtail - just 2 heard plus one over Middleton IE
Pied Wagtail - 1 over Middleton plus 12 grounded at Ocean Edge and at least 7 on the North Harbour Wall
Sand Martin - one south NHW between 0900 and 0945

Outfalls/Ocean Edge/Red Nab
Sandwich Tern - 21 (split between Red Nab and the gull flock south of OE)
Med Gull - 3 juv/1CY Red Nab and 4 distant ad/3CY in the above gull flock
Little Gull - ad & 2CY
Grey Plover - 375 in with mixed flock of 310 Knot and 240 Bar-tailed Godwit but birds mobile
Wheatear - 2 at Red Nab plus 5 along the North Harbour Wall
Linnet flock of 50 at Ocean Edge may be part of the 70 seen on Middleton IE

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