Saturday 10 September 2011

Are we seeing the starters for a mega seawatching 'event'?

Heysham Obs
Looks on course for some stuff, especially Monday & Tuesday and leftovers on Wednesday in 'nicer' weather and maybe even after that, although we could do with some "balancing" vis mig/ringing weather.  Today was a good one for the ELOC and Bolton groups - its great when dates plucked out of air way in advance work out!  Please, however, use the path through the nature park and dont wander as a gang through Ocean Edge caravan park without at least asking at reception.  I've apologised on behalf of the group this morning. Thanks.

Inshore sightings
Sabine's Gull - adult from about 1030 until about 1530 on & off, including following the IOM ferry into the harbour-mouth at 1210ish.
Guillemot - 2CY harbour mouth at lunchtime
Little Egret - one OE saltmarsh creek (they have been scarce here since the cold weather last December)
Arctic Tern - max of 6 juv and 2 adult
Common Tern - max of 2 juvs and one adult
Little Gull - 2CY and adult
Sandwich Tern - one on Red Nab early on
Med Gull - 11 on the WeBS count from the ex-heliport to Ocean Edge saltmarsh: 1 x 2CY, 4 x adult-type, 6 x 1CY - there might have been more 1CY as they were typically mobile (they dont seem to like roosting!)
Golden Plover - one seen by outfalls (per Mike W)


Vis mig
1.5 hours in the morning by the office (not the best site for hirundines) produced the following heading south or south-east 0740-0910:
Swallow - 56
Chaffinch - 112
Meadow Pipit - 54
Linnet - 40
Goldfinch - 10
House Martin - 26
Grey Wagtail - 3 (plus 5 others along the seawall)
alba Wagtail - 12
Siskin - 2
Collared Dove - flock of four

Highlight in the trap was a scarce plume associated with fleabane: Oidaematophorus lithodactyla

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