Sunday 4 September 2011

Decent morning for common migrants and unexpected Clouded Yellow

Heysham Obs
Not quite what was expected this morning - its a real shame there was not another licensed ringer available to operate both Middleton and Heysham on what looks like last chance saloon for 'routine' warblers this autumn, other than Chifchaff and Blackcap.  The unexpected was the complete lack of evidence of migrant Robin - usually such a feature on 'quiet' early September mornings and the unprecedentedly high level of overhead Chaffinch passage for this early in the month

It was a bit hectic with two trainees to look after, the continuing cat watch (although we have not seen it for a few days) and vis mig was not as conscientious as it could have been

Vis mig species
Chaffinch - c110 south
Swallow - c115 south
House Martin - c35 south
Tree Pipit - 1 caught the only one 'encountered'!
Grey Wagtail - 8 but only 2 ringed due to sun on nets (this is where the net site at Middleton is much better)
Meadow Pipit - at least 25 south
alba Wagtail - at least 10 south
Collared Dove - one south
Dunnock - 2 perceived migrants

Outfalls (thanks Mark)
Med Gull - 6 1CY, one 2CY, 2 adult
Little Gull - adult

Grounded on reserve
Chiffchaff - c10 (4 ringed)
Willow Warbler - 2 (one ringed)
Whitethroat - 3 ringed
Lesser Whitethroat - one ringed
Blackcap - 3 (one ringed)
Goldcrest - 5 (2 ringed)

This might be the last day for some of them and it was highlighted by a completely unexpected Clouded Yellow nectaring on autumn hawkbit by the office before moving into the tank farm area.  Also about 15 tatty Meadow Brown, one geriatric Gatekeeper, one Small Copper, 2 Small, one Green veined and one Large White and c7 tatty Common Blue around the office area.  The Clouded Yellow was so unexpected in a national context that the unthinkable - a 'fence hopper' from someone's butterfly rearing enterprise - has to be considered this autumn

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